Friday, June 22, 2007

Wii's public reception almost "Apple iPod-like"

Being the tech savvy fellow that I am, I read both sides of the isle, that is the Mac and PC isle. And it's a good thing I do because I found this cute article on that has a brief mention of Apple in it.

The article in and of itself is about the Nintendo Wii, of which I'm a big fan and own one. At the end of it I was surprised to fine a cute little comment about Apple. It goes something like this:

"The Wii is penetrating our culture, but few people are talking about the PS3. Look at all the stories about the Wii injuries, which seem to have done nothing to hurt the console's appeal. And the game system is even becoming synonymous with "easy." I'm tempted to call the Wii's public reception almost "Apple iPod-like." We all know Apple's success in launching new brands and product lines. I'd put Nintendo up there, too. Just look at its track record: GameBoy, GameBoy Advance, Nintendo DS, Nintendo DS Lite."

Now, I'm not going to go into specifics about all of the products that Nintendo released that weren't successes (GameCube, Virtual Boy, PowerGlove to name a few), but I can grasp the sentiment of the writer.

Either way, it was nice.


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