Friday, July 20, 2007

iPhone a Virgin No More

A very dedicated hacker has violated the iPhone in a most exciting way. That's right folks, the cherry has been popped. Engadget has the story, but I don't know where it originated from.

Evidently it was some simply little alpha build program, more of a proof of concept, but it was inevitable. Honestly, I think El Jobso has planed to open it up all along, but will be holding off until about a year, then make a big announcement at WWDC next, making it look like he's caving when in reality it was his plan all along. But hey, that's just me.

This is cool. I don't have an iPhone, I'm on Verizon. I want one, but would rather have a smaller one, like the much rumored "iPhone Nano."

What say you?


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