Saturday, August 18, 2007

Old Apple 1 Add

I caught this on Boing Boing and thought it was brillaint. Old school add work before Apple had trendy ads.

My my, how things have changed.


Tuesday, August 14, 2007

A little sumthin, sumthin

I know....I haven't posted much lately and lord knows there has been a good deal of Apple news. I figure you've been kept up to date via other websites though.

At any rate, I read something interesting today on AppleInsider. Seems as though Apple made a last minute change to the new iMac case in regard to the Apple logo on the front. They either went from a white, or back lit, version to the black version that appears on the case now.

Take a look for yourself and decide on what you deem more interesting/sexy.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Introducing the MacCat

I've just been given a picture of the new iMac update for tomorrow, and boy, no one, and I MEAN NO ONE, is going to see this one coming...

A picture is worth a thousand words...

The Gig Is Up

Who is the guy directly to the left of this text? Well it's none other than Daniel Lyons, a senior editor at Forbes magazine. Why is this important? Because he is the one and only Fake Steve Jobs.

Click here for the NY Times article.

Click here for the FakeSteve.Blogspot article.

I can honestly say that I'm a little bummed that they found out who he really was. I sort of liked the idea of this mystery person being able to write, without worry, what ever sort of satire they wanted about Apple, the tech indistury, and the one and only Steve Jobs himself.

Now that the gig is up, I don't see FakeSteve being much fun anymore. People will go after Lyons when he writes bad things, if they aren't already, and honestly, you can't write satire when people get miffed at you.

I know there is at least one person who is moderately relived, even if he says otherwise. That is the one and only Andy Ihnatko of the Chicago Sun-Times. A lot of people thought he was Fake Steve. A lot of people gave him a really really hard time about it. Well, those people are wrong. So leave Andy alone. Even if most of what he writes is not funny.

I mean, I don't want to hate on Andy, but between his stuff in print, and when I listen to him on MacBreak Weekly, I mean, give it up man. If you're going to be a reporter, be a reporter. You're not funny. You've never been funny. You never will be funny. You just don't have it in you man. So stop, please, stop trying to be funny. Just be a reporter. There isn't anything wrong with that. You're pretty decent at it, and often times pretty darn good. But there is one thing you're not good at. Being funny. So stop. Please.


Wednesday, August 1, 2007

August 7th....iMac/iLife day?

Phones were a buzz yesterday as Apple's media relations team started "calling all tech journalists."

Word on the street is there will be a Mac centered annoucement to be made on August 7th at Apple's Town Hall.

The Apple reps definitively mentioned that there will be no iPod or iPhone related news (in regard to products or software).

What could this event be? Well, if the new keyboard pictures are any indication looks like there are some new iMacs coming out. Many in the Apple tech sector say that it's possible that iLife and iWork '08 might be demoed as well.

I'm pretty excited. I'm not really in the market for a new iMac (I'm a laptop guy) I am interested in seeing where iLife and iWork are headed.

Should be fun kids. More news on the 8th.
